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The green line in the chart on the left represents the average growth a student should make through the year on the SRI. This growth represents about 100 lexile points per year. A student's lexile level measures reading ability. The red line represents the average number of lexile points my students grew from November to February. The class average grew 97 lexile points in two and a half months. The average test score prior to the implementation plan was 764 points. After the implementation plan, students' average score was 861 lexile points.​




District Reading Assessments

Lingering Questions


  • What are my next steps to continue this growth?
    Some next steps to continue students' inferencing skill growth are to continuously implement the graphic organizers, add additional scaffolding tools to help increase students' ability to narrow down to strong conclusions, and to reteach directly to some students.


  • What were the biggest factors contributing to small gains?
    Places that contributed to small gain came from two different areas: previous high achievement and lack of background knowledge. I believe this because the people who made the smallest gains were students already reading at a "young adult" level and those who were unfamiliar with the topics given to them. 


  • Why were the results so drastic on the SRI and not the Reading Assessment?
    I believe two possible factors caused higher growth on SRI. These include the fact that the District Reading Assessment is a new curriculum to students and that we also did a word part study that helps narrow down possible wrong answers. 

In the chart to the left, significant growth in my students' reading ability is noted.  As shown by the red arc, 78% of my students made a significant growth on their Scholastic Reading Inventory Assessment. A significant growth in this case is defined by students who grew more points than what the average growth was for all students. In comparison, only 17% of students did not make a significant growth or drop, and 4% made a significant drop.  The 78% growth reveals the positive impact of the implementation plan of inferencing strategies which the students experienced.

The bar graph on the left, compares student growth in inferencing skills from the first district reading assessment to the final district reading assessment. On the previous assessments that assessed students' inferencing skills, students were 51% proficient. Upon the completion of direct instruction in inferencing skills, students rose to 54% proficient. While the overall percentage growth was small, the fact that the percentage grew indicates that students did benefit positively from the implementation plan.

Average Growth Per Year on the Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) vs. Average Growth of Davis' 5th Graders on the Scholastic Reading Inventory

The Growth Report on the left shows that from November to February, my students took the Scholastic Reading Inventory twice. The result of these tests showed that 86.99% of students grew on their lexile level, 13.01% decreased their score, and 0% stayed the same. The implementation plan positively affected their ability to draw inferences when reading which enabled them to gain a deeper meaning of the text. Factors that contributed to growth were students being able to infer emotions and reactions of characters. Decreases were exhibited by students who started extremely high or who chose the distractor options many times.

Lexile Points
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